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Fripp Island Realtor - Sandy White

Fripp Island Homes for Sale
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What People Are Saying...
For my family, one of the most significant challenges of finding a new home was to become familiar with the area and the choices available in a particular price range. Sandy White made that overwhelming experience one of adventure! Not only did she give us the time to view a wide variety of possibilities, she was never bias about what would best fit our needs. She shared our excitement, reaching for things we never thought would be possible, yet allowed us to be realistic in meeting our goals. Sandy was never afraid to say she did not know the answer to our questions and there were many; foreclosure, HUD, bank owned property, sales and resales. She worked under time pressures, to quickly find resources concerning property values, costs for repairs, taxes, insurance, and fianacing. When appropriate she put us in direct contact with attorneys and insurance agents, excellent recommendations, who helped us to facilatate a flawless closing. Sandy brings many gifts to the real estate field, not only is she knowledgable, but offers her heart, in helping families begin new places in their lives.
M. Shaleuly
We would highly recommend Sandy White of Fripp Island Real Estate! As out of town buyers we were unsure of how difficult closing a real estate transaction the way from Atlanta would be. Sandy White went above and beyond to make sure things went smoothly during the whole process! She steered us to the perfect home with the perfect view and was very knowledgeable about it's rental potential. While waiting to close Hurricane Matthew hit Fripp Island. Even though she had her own home to worry about she made ours her priority. She was able to secure a roofer, which was very hard to come by, and asked him to replace ours before hers. We were one of the very first roofs replaced on the island.! She was also always available to check on the progress of the repairs and we were still able to close on time! We closed two weeks ago (October 31, 2016) and she has still been available to help us with anything we need! We would highly recommend Sandy!!
Seth and Erika Rosenthal
Marrietta, Ga"Sandy has been helping me look for the perfect beach house for personal and rental use. Her knowledge of the local area has been extremely helpful. One of her greatest assets is her honesty. She’s been upfront with all of the possible costs involved in purchasing a property as well as the costs involved in being a landlord. I highly recommend Sandy as an agent."