Starting in February 2020, Fripp Island will be starting an alligator survey and you are welcome to participate! This survey will help keep track of our scaly neighbors as a population and as individuals. This survey is being done in order to catalogue the alligators living on Fripp Island using identifying marks, location, and behavior. This information can then be used in future research as well as getting to know our scaly neighbors. By doing a photo identification survey, understanding the population and behaviors of the alligators on this island will become possible on a bigger scale, as well as open doors for future research.
You can help by sharing your gator siting and your photos by filling out the form below, emailing us or visiting the Activity Center. Be sure to include as much information like location (with GPS coordinates if possible), time of day, temperature, how many gators were nearby, and whatever information you can find. By emailing the email above you can also use a data sheet to fill out with the information for your photos.